VBS 2023: Keepers of the Kingdom

Joining the fight for the truth!

It’s time to charge into medieval times—a world brimming with breathtaking castles, regal kings and queens, fire-breathing dragons, brave knights, and epic battles. During this year’s Vacation Bible School, kids will learn how to be part of God’s kingdom and wear the armor of God. God’s kingdom is under attack, and we must prepare for battle.


“Will They Stand?” VBS Event | June 4, 5:00-6:30 p.m.

This year we’re introducing a new VBS event and our entire church is invited to participate! On June 4th, at 5:00 p.m., we hope you’ll join us for a special VBS kick-off event where we’ll be asking the important question, “Will They Stand?” There we will have VBS-inspired worship, a message about the importance of standing firm on God’s Word from Pastor Shan Taylor, some games and prizes, and a look at the content from this year’s VBS to help you have faith-defining conversations with kids and adults alike.

Keepers of the Kingdom VBS 2023 | June 25-29, 5:00-7:30 p.m.

Keepers of the Kingdom is a medieval themed VBS where we’ll see castles, knights, and even a dragon or two. This year we’re teaching kids that whether they know it or not, they are at the center of a spiritual battle for truth. Kids will learn how to be a part of God’s kingdom and wear the armor of God to face the lies of this world. God’s kingdom is under constant attack and all of His people must be equipped for battle.


Each day of VBS, kids will learn amazing truths from God’s Word.

Day 1: The Two Kingdoms

We will discover there are just two kingdoms—the kingdom of light versus the kingdom of darkness. One is ruled by the good King, Creator God. The other is ruled by the enemy, Satan.

Bible Passage: Creator King and Prince of Darkness; John 18:37-38

Apologetics Focus: Absolute truth is true for all people, for all times, and for all circumstances.

Day 2: The Belt

We must decide our side. Those who become citizens of God’s good kingdom need to wear the armor of God daily, starting with the belt of truth that helps us have an unshakable trust in God’s Word, along with helping us live as truthful people.

Bible Passage: Ephesians 6:14; Genesis 1-3; Gospels

Apologetics Focus: Build a biblical worldview to stand strong in the truth.

Day 3: The Breastplate and Shoes

The breastplate helps God’s children put on Christ’s righteousness and grow in right living. The shoes show us we can be at peace with God, which helps us stand firm in our Christian convictions and share Jesus with others.

Bible Passage: Ephesians 6:15; 2 Kings 22-23

Apologetics Focus: Put on what’s right (Jesus’ righteousness), then do right.

Day 4: The Shield and Helmet

The shield and helmet protect us from the enemy’s attacks—wrong thinking, discouragement, and deception. We will learn to discern!

Bible Passages: King Solomon; 1 Kings 3:5-15; Ephesians 6:16

Apologetics Focus: Guard against false teachings and temptations.

Day 5: The Sword and Prayer

The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God, which helps us train our brains to know, memorize, love, and obey God’s Word. And as we battle, we must pray!

Bible Passages: King of Kings vs. Prince of the Air; Matthew 4:1-11; Ephesians 6:17-18a

Apologetics Focus: Be ready to give an answer for the hope that is in you.


How can I learn more as a parent or a leader about this VBS?

The VBS curriculum we are using this year comes from Answers in Genesis. After using various materials from AiG over the years, we have found them to be an extremely valuable resource in teaching all age groups about the importance of holding a biblical worldview. They have released several videos outlining the main themes this VBS tackles while stressing the necessity for identifying where God’s kingdom of light is at war with Satan’s kingdom of darkness. Whether you are a VBS leader, a parent, a teenager, or are simply curious, our hope is that this material will help you to stand on the truth of God’s Word.

Will They Stand: Teaching Kids to Face Giants

Dinosaurs and Dragons

Quick Answers to Social Issues

Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions

Can the Bible Be Trusted? Answering Challenges to the Truth


We cannot do this without you!

Volunteers are the lifeblood of the ministries here at Emmanuel Baptist Church. Events like this would be impossible without leaders and helpers investing into the lives of the children we are trying to reach. Below you’ll find some information on volunteering for VBS (and possibly beyond).

What are the areas that volunteers can serve?

There are several areas and functions volunteers can help with.

  • Leader (Teacher)
  • Leader (Guide)
  • Helper
  • Production
  • Other (Food Prep, Security, Check-In, Crafts, Recreation, etc.)

What do leaders do?

Leaders interact directly with the children. For VBS we need two types of leaders. A teaching leader is one that studies the evening’s lesson and presents it to one or more groups of kids within a specific age group. A guiding leader is in charge of a single group of children and guide the group to each station. They are able to meet the needs of each of the children in their care.

What do helpers do?

Helpers are paired with leaders to support them and help meet the needs of the children. They are essential because a leader only has two hands. Multiple helpers may be assigned to one leader.

What does production involve?

Volunteers helping in the production area are in some way involved with the daily stage performance. You may be an actor, stagehand, or running tech in some way.

What other areas can I help in?

There are so many things that need to happen in order to have a fun, safe, and instructive VBS evening. Whether you’re prepping snacks, leading recreational games, or helping with check-ins, your help will be extremely valuable.

Will I get the volunteer position I request?

While we would love for everyone to serve in the role of their first choosing, we cannot guarantee a role may still be open. However, we can definitely place you where you are needed within your comfort level.

Who can volunteer?

We request that volunteers are either members or regular attendees of Emmanuel Baptist Church (attended services within the last 6 months), or are students in 7th Grade or higher with a parent serving. Any student volunteers will be unable to register via the event portal. All student volunteers must be approved by greg@ebccrestview.com. All adult volunteers will be required to have a background check.

When do volunteers need to be available?

Most volunteers will need to be on campus no later than 4:40 p.m. each evening. We understand that this may be difficult for some, but it is our hope that the week of VBS be a special occasion for both kids and volunteers. Even if your role does not start until after the large group time, there is still plenty of prep to do each evening. We also hope that volunteers will attend the large group time. Some volunteer positions will not need to be on campus until 5:30 p.m. but these are very limited and will need to have the “go ahead” from the VBS leadership.


Common Questions

What ages is VBS for?

VBS is for all children entering into Kindergarten through entering 6th Grade in the 2023-2024 school year.

When does registration begin?

Volunteer registration is open now. Registration for children begins June 4, 2023.

I am planning on volunteering for this year’s VBS. How do I register my baby or pre-schooler?

Babies through preschoolers (children in Discovery Park) can only be registered with their parent’s volunteer registration. For more information on registering your baby or preschooler, contact Suzanne Diven (suzanne@ebccrestview.com).

My family does not attend your church, but are my kids able to join your VBS?

Yes! We love to see new faces! You will need to fill out some additional information when you register so we will be able to keep your children safe while they are in our care.

I am an adult or a teenager that does not attend your church, can I volunteer for VBS?

Because we want to ensure the safety of all children on campus, all volunteers must 1) be a member of or regularly attend Emmanuel Baptist Church, 2) have a background check, and 3) be followers of Christ.

Students (7th-12th grades) wishing to volunteer this year must be approved by email and cannot register through the event portal. Only students that have a parent already volunteering are eligible to volunteer unless permission is given otherwise. Contact greg@ebccrestview.com to sign up.

I am not sure your beliefs align with mine. How can I know my child will learn biblical truths according to Scripture?

Thank you for asking! We are dedicated to the authority and sufficiency of Scripture as God’s living Word! If you like, please view our statement of beliefs.

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