Sundays, June 2, 9, 30, and July 7
We are excited to announce our Summer Family Study (SFS) beginning Sunday, June 2. Summer Family Study will be great opportunity for the EBC family to get together during the summer to spend time in prayer, discipleship, and fellowship outside of our normal times and normal groups. The focus and topic of each study will be Prayer.
Summer Family Study will be Sunday Nights (6/2,6/9,6/30,7/7) and will include a time of worship and teaching in the Worship Center, and then we will “break out” for a time of Small Group discussion and prayer (lead by a Table Small Group Leader). A schedule will look something like :
4:45-5:00- Preschool Check ins
5:00-5:40- Worship & Message
5:40-5:50 – Transition and Refreshments
5:50- 6:45 – Small Group Discussion Tables & Prayer
6:45-7:00- Clean up & Preschool Pickup
One of the purposes of SFS will be to fellowship and get to know others within the EBC family that we don’t know well. So during these times we will encourage to interact with people they don’t normally sit with (Example: Night 1- there must be 5 decades of people represented at 1 table, Night 2- men’s groups/women’s groups, etc…). Childcare will be available for nursery and preschool aged children. Elementary and Students will be encouraged to participate with their families.
- Table Leaders. We will need table small group leaders to facilitate a discussion and prayer time (very similar to current small group format). The group will be different every time, but if you are interested in being a table discussion leader please let me know. We will need approximately 15 leaders each night. You do not have to be a current small group leader to serve in this capacity. Also, you don’t have to be available every night. If you have anyone in your group that you believe would be interested in something like this, please let me know.
- Food. We are going to coordinate desserts or snack type foods for each of the SFSs. If you would be willing to help me coordinate food that would be very helpful.
- Setup and Tear Down. We are going to need tables and chairs moved around before and after. If you can help with this, please let me know.
We are excited about this opportunity. It will be a great way to grow and to meet new people within EBC.