The Emmanuel Baptist Church Deacon Ministry Team is a group of servant leaders modeled after the biblical example in Acts 6 as men appointed from the church body to support the ministerial leaders. This is so ministerial leaders can focus on the ministry of the Word. The biblical qualifications for these men are identified in Acts 6:1-7 and 1 Timothy 3:8-13. Additionally, EBC has required that deacons be at least 28 years old and have been an EBC member for at least one year.
The Deacon Ministry Team provides additional resources to meet pastoral care as well as other practical needs through the Small Group Ministry and as directed by the pastor. The Deacons, “keeping hold of the deep truths of the faith,” also serve as a sounding board for the pastor, either directly or as members of the Servant Lead Team, or other ministry teams, as he carries out his leadership responsibilities.
The EBC Constitution and Bylaws calls for the church body to nominate men to be considered for the Deacon Ministry Team. This first calls for praying about the overall process, then discerning God’s call on a specific man into the Deacon ministry through prayer and the application of the biblical and EBC qualifications. Nominations are to be made by individual church members.
After having determined to the best of your ability the mind of Christ through prayer, use this ballot to nominate all individuals to be considered for the EBC Deacon Ministry Team.
The EBC Deacon Ministry Team will: consider all nominations, determine biblical and EBC qualification through their own process including discussion with the individual and prayer, then provide a list of qualified candidates for church vote. This three-part process will ensure that an individual will “first be tested; and if nothing is against them, let them serve as deacons.”
The nomination process will be open until 1:00 PM on Sunday October 8, 2023.
Ballots may be placed in the giving baskets during service or in the drop boxes around campus
If you have any questions, please call Butch Raber or Alan Hutto.
You must be a member of EBC to nominate deacons. Each member may nominate up to five(5) men.