April 10, 2021

What an amazing night of camaraderie, food, prizes and message.

Our chosen event to kick-off the EBC Military Ministry was special – as it was to first and foremost, honor and say a simple “thank you” to those that have or are serving in our U. S. Armed forces, and second – it was our first official event as a specified ministry. Thank you, Lord, for an amazing night that glorified You.

If you missed it, make sure to double down on the next one. We started off with our “Military Bingo” event, breaking the ice and to get folks moving around, building some relationships with their brothers and sisters. Followed by prayer, our meal and a loose version of “The Newly Wed” game, the laughs carried us through to our main message where our very own Capt. Daniel Garnett—of the U.S. Army’s 2nd Battalion, under the 7th Special Forces—shared with us the difference between starting the race and how to finish. We need to finish the race strong, lean on the Lord for his strength and persevere:

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,” Hebrews 12:1, ESV

It was an amazing night!

I want to thank the people that kept our kids occupied, Melody Smith and her team, as they did crafts with our kids, fed them and delivered them back to us with smiles and red, white, and blue themed motifs.

Thank you to our Military Ministry team, Tucker and Savannah McLean, Derek and Jenn Bussard, Dave Gaillard, Jim Davis, and John Law. Without these individuals, this event wouldn’t have been nearly as perfect. Thank you team. Just wait till the fall—we all know that means it’ll center around a huge grill.

If you see a need that you think falls under our ministry services (you can read more about that at ebccrestview.com/military-ministry) , please email myself at militaryministry@ebccrestview.com, or go to our Instagram or Facebook and message us there. As always, you can call EBC and they will put me in contact with you.

Serving and Loving Those that Serve Our Country.

Frank Cheslock – Military Ministry Team Lead